paw print

X-Ray and Ultrasound

paw print
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ultrasound machine

With wonderful digital radiograph, we are able to observe what is happening to your pet on the inside of his/her body. At Winrose we take pride in our radio graphs.

They are a very important part of our everyday job and really do play a big part in getting the RIGHT picture of what is going on with your pet.

Ultrasound is another way to help in diagnosing things that are going on with your pet. Ultrasound gives us a different look and allows us to see things that may not be able to be detected on a radio graph.

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Download the Pet Page APP available on Apple Store or Google Play for Android.



Helping Winnipeg and Rural Manitoba. Your Pet. Our Passion. Quality Care.



534 St. Annes Road Winnipeg, MB

534 St. Annes Road Winnipeg, MB

Monday to Thursday 7:30 am to 8:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Sunday and statutory holidays closed.

winrose map address
Paw Divider
Paw Divider